This is my first Ink game. Using InkJam 2024 to learn Ink engine. This is supposed to be a fantasy themed newlyweds game but to match with potential party members for adventure.

Right now you only match 1 member at a time and only has warrior, ranger and rogue classes.

Potential future updates:
-Full party recruitment!
-Background image + background music to help with vibe - I'm imagining the stereotypical fantasy theme tavern but in a booth like in a visual novel dating sim style haha but cheesy old tv show graphics.
-More characters!
-More flavor! ie more varied host replies, adventurer responses, etc.
-More action! aka tie this to an adventuring system to test out your party's recruitment skills
-More personality! more things to add to adventurers to glean answers and battle/AI behavior such as make them easier to recruit but less effective in fights, or harder to recruit but makes X type adventurers more successful
-Add elite level adventurers aka boss level harder/more expensive (take bigger cut of the reward) to recruit but more effective in battle

Development log


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(1 edit)

Fun idea, and you should totally add some dating game music lol. I like that you changed it to allow you to pick the adventurer! Would love to try them all without resetting the game, but I liked the flavor text you added!

that's a good point. will add that to my ToDo list!